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Category / Dreams
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Revenge is Sweet

[Just a startling dream i had, profanity included. None of this happened or is real. Just to be clear.] We went to another school as a group, supposedly for professional development. We observed some teachers in their classrooms. I brought a label maker and showed some way to make fancy, gold-leaf labels using some expensive...CONTINUE READING
Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

Tomorrow Today Yesterday

Dreams, trials, memories Hopes, fears, memoriesDesires, defeats, memoriesIsn’t yesterday anything but memories?No, tomorrow is always a memory     a scent a taste a touch Why then is tomorrow nothing but dreams?Why then is today always realizations? God only knows, only He knows among everyone Futile dreams, frustrating realities, bitter memories. Is that ALL? —Undated; probably 1978
Category:Dreams, High School